Tom Harris

Obama’s Path Toward Energy Poverty: Shoddy science backs damaging policies

In his recent inaugural address, President Barack Obama promoted the use of the least reliable and most expensive sources of energy: wind and solar power. He notes that the transition to these energy sources would be difficult, but he also presented the move as having economic benefits that would support the country’s energy independence. In reality, such a transition would ruin the country’s economy.

Beware snap judgments on U.N. climate conferences’ successes or failures – it is more complicated than most people think

The most realistic assessment to appear in main stream media was that published about a week after the conference ended, written by Connie Hedegaard, European commissioner for climate action in the European Commission. She told climate campaigners:

“Yes progress was slow and frustrating, but the main goal was to prepare the ground for the big 2015 talks. Job done.”

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Appeasing Climate Bureaucrats by Regulating Plant Food: Carbon dioxide regulations useless and dangerous

The annual Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change must be intimidating events for Canadian environment ministers. Year after year they are expected to present Canada’s “green credentials” to a world increasingly critical of our coming violation of the Kyoto Protocol, the most important agreement to come out of 16 years of COP meetings.

Deceptive Climate Poll Should be Ignored

A news release from the Public Policy Forum and Sustainable Prosperity last Wednesday began, “A poll released today shows that Canadians believe that climate change is happening and would be willing to pay for government policies that reverse or slow the damage.” They continued, “Belief in climate change among Canadians substantially outpaces belief in this phenomenon among residents of the United States.”