Media Appearances

Urban Reserves Gaining Acceptance

A gas station on 22nd Street has joined the growing number of “urban reserve” businesses throughout the province, a phenomenon which seems to be gaining widespread acceptance. Much of the initial uproar of a decade ago has subsided. Neighbouring businesses, other levels of government and the general public realize Cree Way Gas West on 22nd Street and other urban reserve companies make the same payments to municipalities and school divisions that other businesses do.

Featured News

The Renewable Part of Hydrogen is the Hype

Once again, the world is staging ClimateFest 26, aka the United Nations Conference of the Parties, where peddlers of alternative energy schemes try to plunge their dippers into the river of climate change funding that flows around the world. This funding is generated...

Medical Care for All — Is There a Better Way?

“The president of the Canadian Medical Association has spent most of the last year trying to interject some common sense into Canadian health care. Unfortunately, Canadians prefer to keep plugging along just as they have in the past, despite mounting evidence that our system is inefficient and doesn’t serve patients nearly as well as it should for the money we spend. “

Pay Your Own Way

“Even if Ottawa paid for all the upgrades to rolling stock, rail lines and terminals that Via desires, even if federal taxpayers assumed all of Via’s debts, the public rail carrier would still lose money.”

The AFN Needs Fresh Thinking

Whoever replaces Mr. Fontaine has to stop living in the past. Playing the blame game will do nothing to lift aboriginal Canadians out of poverty and despair, nor will clinging to the belief that the only thing separating natives from the Canadian economic mainstream is a few trainloads of taxpayer cash.