Worth A Look

Re – ‘Wildrose Proves Too Wild’, April 25

“Danielle Smith’s statement that “the science isn’t settled” on climate change was correct—scientifically. It should have been correct politically as well since it is a centrist position, respecting people on both sides of the very real and intense debate about the causes of climate change.”

Don’t Nickel and Dime Our MPPs: Do we really want to pay 80-hour-a-week lesgislators less than a Fort Mcmurray truck driver?

Vic Fedeli is at his desk at the Ontario legislature by 7:30 every morning. Fedeli, 55, figures he works 80-90 hours a week, not including travel time. He’s paid $116,550 a year. That’s less than the chief librarian in Ajax, Ont., or a fire training officer in Brampton. And unlike his cohorts, there’s no fat pension waiting for the burnt-out politician when he retires.

Featured News

Did 2010’s Man of the Year Die in 1897?

“If you’re a renter who reads the newspapers, you have spent the last few years in a constant state of low-level anger at this “bizarre spectacle”—the unexamined assumption that perpetually escalating housing prices are the natural state of human affairs, and certainly a good enough proxy for economic health that the two quantities are freely interchangeable. How much more bizarre must it look in England?”

Taking Ownership Of Their Land

“The legislation is intended to help First Nations participate in the national economy on terms which most Canadians take for granted. However, participation will be optional. No one will be forced to do anything with their lands. Those of us who choose to participate will be able to escape the oversight of the Indian Act and actually take legal title to our own lands.”

Ottawa Overstimulates The Civil Service

“So who benefited most from Ottawa’s billions in stimulus spending over the past two years? Construction workers? Undoubtedly. Lots of public works projects have moved forward that otherwise may not have begun for many more years. And autoworkers? Indisputably. Without taxpayer bailouts, tens of thousands of auto and parts workers would have been out of jobs. Yet beyond these two sectors, there is little chance the billions poured down the drain had much impact on other sectors, especially small businesses.”

Avoiding the EI Tax-Hike Hammer

“Imagine your neighbour hits you in the head with a hammer, and then says you should be elated that he hit you only once because originally he had planned to hit you three times. This is the kind of argument Finance Minister Flaherty is using to sell his Employment Insurance (EI) tax hike planned for January 1st next year.”

Voters Are Losing Their Interest in Climate Change

“It’s ironic that the United Nations should be hosting its latest climate negotiations in China. Not only is China now far and away the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide — believed by many (but not me) to cause global warming — China is also the main saboteur of negotiations for a deal to replace the Kyoto accords.”