Worth A Look

High Fashion versus the Private Car: Alternative lifestyles will always be trendy, but the car is mainstream for good reasons

It’s so trendy to deride the private car today that it often features in urban planning only as a necessary evil to be tolerated at best. Public policy should be more enthusiastic about what private motorised transport has done for people, and in particular how driverless cars, electric cars, and road pricing can alleviate the concerns that some people have about them.

Unfreezing Arctic Assets: A bloc of countries above the 45th parallel is poised to dominate the next century. Welcome to the New North.

“Much of the planet’s northern quarter of latitude, including the Arctic, is poised to undergo tremendous transformation over the next century. As a booming population increases the demand for the Earth’s natural resources, and as lands closer to the equator face the prospect of rising water demand, droughts and other likely changes, the prominence of northern countries will rise along with their projected milder winters.”

Featured News

The Role of Taxis in Urban Transportation

The weight of evidence argues for opening up the taxi market to competitive delivery, and reducing regulation to safety, customer service and the dispatch system. Winnipeggers deserve a taxi service that the status quo is not delivering and that fine-tuning a failed model will not provide.

Privatize Liquor Stores: Liberals

“I see us going in the direction of evaluating the government’s role in our economy,” he said. “Where’s the government providing goods that are public goods and where are they intruding unnecessarily in the economy? So I do suspect we will be evaluating the role of a lot Crown corporations and a lot entities like that,” he said.

The Dirty Truth

Carbon capture and storage, as these schemes are known, is misguided environmentally, economically, and in the long term, politically too. Carbon capture has only one virtue: It solves short term political problems for both leaders.

Burn Baby Burn

Denmark incinerates about 40% of its rubbish, but it also has a recycling rate the UK can only envy and most importantly only a fraction of Denmark’s waste, about 10%, goes into landfill. Compare that to the UK which buries over half of its waste.

Like Throwing Petrol On Fire

It is now widely considered that Government policy mistakes caused the banking collapses of the 1930s, protectionism aggravated the decline and New Deal spending was largely ineffective. But many Governments, under populist pressures to “do something”, seem to have forgotten those lessons.

Worthwhile Canadian Initiative

Canada has done more than survive this financial crisis. The country is positively thriving in it. Canadian banks are well capitalized and poised to take advantage of opportunities that American and European banks cannot seize.