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Killing Jobs to Save the Climate

The civil servants from the Environment Ministry, the Environment Agency and the German Emissions Trading Authority made it sound easy for industry to take up carbon trading. “If that’s the shape the trading will take, we will simply move our cement operation to Ukraine,” a cement factory manager shouted into the lecture hall. “Then there won’t be any trading here, nothing will be produced here anymore — the lights will simply go out here.”

Quebec to Lift Ban on Yellow Margarine

It fought in the supermarket aisles, it fought in the Supreme Court, but the Quebec government has finally surrendered in its battle to keep butter-coloured margarine off the province’s dinner tables. An aide to Liberal Agriculture Minister Laurent Lessard confirmed...

Free Trade in Food?

Quebec’s cows are a powerful bunch. Unlike the rest of us, when they go “meuh ” (that’s French for “moo”), they get noticed. It’s easy to understand why Quebeckers like supply management. They’ve milked the most out of it.

Politics Of Provincial Selfishness Hurts Canada

Every federal state in the world has national wealth redistribution similar to our equalization and federal transfers to provinces for social and economic programs — including and most particularly, the United States. Wealth redistribution isn’t nation-building, they say. It’s welfare. Recipient provinces should be shamed and disgraced into pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps.