Worth A Look

It’s Time To Sequester Green Energy Subsidies, Not Mythical Oil And Gas Tax Breaks

One of the big applause lines in President Obama’s recent Georgetown “climate action plan” pitch declaring an all-out EPA war on coal and it’s fossil cousins said: “And because billions of your tax dollars continue to still subsidize some of the most profitable corporations in the history of the world, my budget once again calls for Congress to end the tax breaks for big oil companies, and invest in the clean-energy companies that will fuel our future.” This is hardly a new strategy theme.

How Rich Rockefellers Battle the People’s Pipeline: Rockefeller billions vs Canadian energy and sovereignty – and US jobs, security and families

How Rich Rockefellers Battle the People’s Pipeline: Rockefeller billions vs Canadian energy and sovereignty – and US jobs, security and families

Americans concerned about gasoline prices were encouraged by the Pew Research Center’s new poll, whose headline blared, “Keystone XL Pipeline draws broad support.” A score box showed 63% supporting and only 23% opposing the pipeline that would transport oil from Canada’s vast Alberta oil sands deposits through the Plains states to Texas refineries.

Let’s Worry About Skills, Not Outsourcing

If you landed back in Canada this week from outer space, or even southern Florida, you’d be forgiven for thinking you’d hit a wormhole in time and that it was actually 1990. A debate is raging about whether business should outsource jobs if it makes the business more profitable. Wait, you might think, we settled this long ago. And except when it becomes campaign trail rhetoric in America, we understand that outsourcing is not a bad thing.

Smart Messaging Needed to Avoid Pipeline Lobbying Failure: Alberta premier must not support the climate scare when promoting her province’s hydrocarbon fuel resources in Washington DC this week

History is replete with tragic examples of those who collaborated with the enemy or sought to appease political correctness and wishful thinking for their own short term benefit. Nowhere is this more evident than in today’s climate change debate. Politicians from across the political spectrum, fossil fuel companies and academics who should know better, not only bow to the climate scare, but actively support it. They even use the unscientific, misnomer-riddled language of their opponents.

Featured News

Hey, Mitt, Voters Aren’t the Obstacle: Understanding where the opposition to change really comes from.

Voters are not the primary obstacle to reform. Forty-five-year-olds don’t rise in revolt because somebody proposes raising the retirement age decades from now. One of the fastest growing federal liabilities is the Social Security disability system. Advocates for the disabled actually criticize the program for not doing more to get recipients back into jobs and off the dole.

The Trials of a Democratic Reformer: In California’s capital, union officials ‘walk around like they’re God.’ This pro-labor former legislator wants to bring them back to earth.

Former Los Angeles Lakers Coach Phil Jackson once referred to Sacramento as a “cowtown,” but Gloria Romero, a pro-labor Democrat who served as California’s Senate majority leader from 2001 to 2008, takes exception to the belittling description. The capitol building in Sacramento, she says, has “the eighth most powerful economy in the world under that dome,” and it operates not unlike other wealthy kleptocracies. “There’s no other way to say it politely. It’s owned.”

Britain Unleashed: David Cameron Needs a Change of Heart – and Some Fire in His Belly: The Prime Minister David Cameron wants to tweak the status quo, but he should smash it to show decline is not inevitable, says Allister Heath.

This Government’s great tragedy is that it is run by a group of youngish, privileged men who have never known what it is like to be truly excited by economic and political ideas. David Cameron and George Osborne are creatures of the establishment, prisoners of the received wisdom, too interested in power for power’s sake.

Re – ‘Wildrose Proves Too Wild’, April 25

“Danielle Smith’s statement that “the science isn’t settled” on climate change was correct—scientifically. It should have been correct politically as well since it is a centrist position, respecting people on both sides of the very real and intense debate about the causes of climate change.”

Don’t Nickel and Dime Our MPPs: Do we really want to pay 80-hour-a-week lesgislators less than a Fort Mcmurray truck driver?

Vic Fedeli is at his desk at the Ontario legislature by 7:30 every morning. Fedeli, 55, figures he works 80-90 hours a week, not including travel time. He’s paid $116,550 a year. That’s less than the chief librarian in Ajax, Ont., or a fire training officer in Brampton. And unlike his cohorts, there’s no fat pension waiting for the burnt-out politician when he retires.