Worth A Look

A Great Time to Kill Equalization

Ontario has sunk to have-not status, holed by the collapse of the auto industry and the deterioration of the manufacturing base that sustained it for so long. Premier Dalton McGuinty’s frequent demands for a better deal from Ottawa have been temporarily quieted by billions of dollars in federal spending to offset the recession and encourage adoption of a harmonized sales tax, but the road back to its previous level of prosperity will be long and difficult.

Don’t Hide School Rankings

Public education should not require us to put blind faith in the plainly ridiculous idea that all schools bearing the government trademark are equal. If the quality of public education did not benefit from competition and informed consumer choice, it would be the only consumer good in the universe that didn’t. And if our choice of schools must be straitened, it is all the more vital for data about schools to be abundant, multivalent and accessible.

Featured News

Others Pay for Quebec

The Lucids are losing. That is, this group of Quebecers headed by former premier Lucien Bouchard are losing the debate they themselves started two years ago when they proposed an austerity program to meet the financial and demographic problems looming ever larger in...

For a Grain Boom, End the Monopoly

Only a few months ago, the Canadian Wheat Board was rarely discussed outside Western Canada. Now, it looks set to become one of the top national political issues of 2007. Debate about the wheat board's usefulness and practices has been percolating for years, but,...

Climatic Hubris

On Saturday evening, the science director of the David Suzuki Foundation told CBC Newsworld that world scientists agree? We must act now "to stabilize the Earth's climate." We have heard a similar refrain for years. We are told over and over that the rise in...

Toxic Statistics

You have to hand it to Junk Science maestro Rick Smith and his lobby group, Environmental Defence. Persuading Rona Ambrose - who was yesterday relieved of her Environment portfolio – and Health Minister Tony Clement to donate body fluids for chemical analysis was a...