Worth A Look

Facts Debunk Global Warming Alarmism

There are two fundamentally different ways in which computers can be used to project climate. The first is used by the modelling groups that provide climate projections to the IPCC. These groups deploy general circulation models, which use complex partial differential equations to describe the ocean-atmosphere climate system mathematically. GCMs are subject to the well-known computer phenomenon of GIGO, which translates as “garbage in, God’s-truth out”.

Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age

The earth is now on the brink of entering another Ice Age, according to a large and compelling body of evidence from within the field of climate science. Many sources of data which provide our knowledge base of long-term climate change indicate that the warm, twelve...

Anchors To Secure The Future

A broad consensus has formed around the idea that a plunge into the red is a frightening but unavoidable consequence of the economic downturn, and the fiscal laxity that preceded it. This would be much easier if new fiscal anchors, notably a specific debt-to-GDP ratio, had been firmly established after the books were balanced. An additional anchor, limiting program spending to a percentage of GDP, would further prevent Canada from sliding into a long-term pattern of deficits.

Rethinking the Notion of Public vs. Private

In his epic campaign for president, Mr. Obama promised to bridge the political divides in America. He can begin by assuring public school educators that private options are not an attack on the institution of public education. On the contrary, when done well, they expand and strengthen it.

Featured News

Throwing Good Money After Bad?

One of the eternal questions of public policy is: should governments get into bed with private businesses? Whether it is called a Public-Private Partnership, buying a controlling interest for taxpayers, investing in the technologies of tomorrow or just, avoiding a...

Please Don’t Take Away My Hamburgers

The latest thing to come under attack by the health harpies and fitness fanatics is fast food, particularly hamburgers and french fries. They cause obesity, we are told, and, having beaten back tobacco and put a leash on demon rum, this is the latest front for the legions of society’s joyless crusaders.

High Gas Taxes Only Hurt The Poor

Most people drive most of the time for necessity, of course, and only occasionally for pleasure. It’s reasonable, in either case, to expect drivers to pay for the roads and the bridges. Higher gas taxes, levied at the pump, punish only poor low-income people.

Improve Federalism By Cutting Duplicity

Since the introduction of the goods and services tax in 2000 the states have received about 20 per cent more than expected, equalling $70 billion in unanticipated revenue. Instead of using their windfall to continue the process of reform and sustain the good economic times, they have expanded the size of government and increased the numbers and salaries of public servants.


Last summer, the U.S. Supreme Court provoked widespread outrage when, by a 5-4 decision, it allowed cities to take people's land by eminent domain and give or sell the land to private developers. But few noted that the justification was "a comprehensive development...

Regulated Gas a Pain for Manitobans

In an effort to shield consumers from fluctuating natural gas prices, the Manitoba Public Utilities Board has inadvertently created a trap for householders that could add as much as $10 million to the gas bills of consumers. For many years, the PUB has focused its...