Municipal Government

What’s Holding Back Toronto (and Ontario)?

Dwight Duncan, who up until a few months ago was Ontario’s Minster of Finance, recently suggested that his colleagues at Queen’s Park should force the Mayor of Toronto from officeover un-proven substance abuse allegations. Soon after, the federal Minister of Finance indicated he would prevent the Government of Ontario from setting variable sales tax ratesto raise revenue for its Greater Toronto Area transit plans. While not connected, these two incidents underscore the troubled state of Canadian federalism.

Mergers of RMs Ignorant

Among independent researchers who study local-government finance, however, the idea that forced mergers magically create efficiency is about as popular as climate-change denial is for climatologists. The financial consequences of this simplistic policy usually follow a predictable pattern, no matter how large or small the unwilling partners involved.

Featured News

Cabinet-making 101

Frontier’s research director has a quick look at Alison Redford’s new cabinet in Alberta and concludes that it is a cautious cabinet, and does not deliver the amount of change that many had come to expect from her leadership campaign.