Municipal Government

Regina Crime Rate Continues to Fall as Population Grows

Will Chabun reported in today’s Leader-Post that Regina’s crime statistics continue to fall. One can potentially attribute this to several factors: policing practices, community organizations, consistently low unemployment. It is difficult to assign weightings to such factors. But one factor is often left out of this discussion that almost certainly deserves part of the credit: increased population.

Featured News

Cities Rent Police, Janitors to Save Cash

After years of whittling staff and cutting back on services, towns and cities are now outsourcing some of the most basic functions of local government, from policing to trash collection. Services that cities can no longer afford to provide are being contracted to private vendors, counties or even neighboring towns.

Media Release – Frontier Centre Launches New Interactive Website for Local Government Statistics

The Frontier Centre for Public Policy today launched a new website which turns its three-year-old Local Government Performance Index into an interactive tool for journalists, municipal staff, and the public. The site contains comparative statistics from the Annual Reports of Canada’s municipalities, and judgements on the quality of their reporting. The URL is

Creating Proper Incentives for Canada’s Cities Through Smart Provincial Legislation: A best-practice model of local government legislation for Canada

Creating Proper Incentives for Canada’s Cities Through Smart Provincial Legislation: A best-practice model of local government legislation for Canada

Frontier senior fellow Larry Mitchell on reforming Canada’s antiquated municipal government legislation: Canadian municipal law is characterized by its prescriptive rules-based codes of compliance. These contrast starkly with other jurisdiction’s local government law.

Modern local government laws of other countries seek to facilitate best-management practice by setting outcomes rather than rules;
they construct a performance and service-delivery framework designed to effectively and efficiently meet the needs of local taxpayers and residents.

Good local government law promotes good local government.