Municipal Government

Time to end Winnipeg’s cab crackdown

Police have been so vigilant in cracking down on taxis temporarily occupying no-parking and loading zones at night in front of bars that the taxi industry nearly boycotted downtown service last weekend. This type of frivolous enforcement flies in the face of common sense. Taxi drivers provide a valuable public service. They help people get where they need, and they keep drunk drivers off the road. There is no possible argument that cracking down on taxis for minor parking infractions makes people safer.

Featured News

To Ottawa, With Love

With the April 30th tax filing deadline looming, Canadians are grappling with the stress and anxiety of completing their tax returns. As we hunker down over our computers and wade through piles of receipts and pages of complicated forms, many will rightly question the...

City Borrowing May Skyrocket

A proposal to more than double the limits on Edmonton’s borrowing could burden taxpayers with a $2.5-billion debt that won’t solve the city’s infrastructure problems, Coun. Karen Leibovici says. A report to council’s executive committee Wednesday suggests councillors change the rules so they can borrow even more.