Civil Liberties

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Counting cost of pot laws

Public policy is about trade-offs. There are few instances where a policy has no disadvantages, even if it is extremely beneficial on balance. A failure to recognize this makes us prey to simplistic and symbolic policy measures that seem sensible at first glance, but...

Private Smoking Bans

Indoor public smoking bans are now common place, but health advocates continue to push for further and further restrictions on outdoor public areas, like playgrounds, parks, outdoor dining areas, etc, and have had some success in some cities.

Prohibition is Dead. Long Live Prohibition!

Many Ontarians will celebrate Repeal Day (the anniversary of the end of prohibition) on June 1st with a pint or a glass of wine. But while alcohol prohibition is technically a thing of the past in Ontario, we still have many quasi-prohibitionary laws in place—and there may be more on the horizon.