
Etam: Net Zero 2050?

Etam: Net Zero 2050?

  Serious goal-setting seems like a very good way to torment oneself, creating a new reason out of thin air. My New Year’s resolution is to avoid setting goals. Type A is not my type. But maybe it’s time to turn over a new leaf. I’ve decided I don’t want to be a...

Featured News

A Miraculous Turn of Events

A Miraculous Turn of Events

Never in my wildest dreams did I envision a day when I’d agree with anything filmmaker Michael Moore said – much less that he would agree with me. But mirabile dictu, his new film, Planet of the Humans, is as devastating an indictment of wind, solar and biofuel energy...

Cold Temperature Extremes are Rising

Cold Temperature Extremes are Rising

GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS FROM THE FRONTIER CENTRE FOR PUBLIC POLICY Climate closely correlates with solar activity accounting for 80% of the trend over a 150-year period unlike C02.  April 2020 over the Canadian prairies was the third coldest since 1985 averaging 3°C below...

Fauci-Birx Climate Models

Fauci-Birx Climate Models

Honest, evidence-based climate models could avoid trillions of dollars in policy blunders   President Trump and his Coronavirus Task Force presented some frightening numbers during their March 31 White House briefing. Based on now 2-week-old data and models, as...

Mark Carney’s “Greta” Finance Model

Mark Carney’s “Greta” Finance Model

Depending on the part of the world you’re in, the mention of economist, Mark Carney, will elicit different responses. In Canada, Carney is widely credited with steering the country through the rocky waters of the 2008 financial crisis, but in the United Kingdom he is...

Climate Emergency? Do As I Say Not As I Do

Climate Emergency? Do As I Say Not As I Do

What is the climate “emergency”, “crisis”, “catastrophe” (take your pick) really about? According to teenager Greta Thunberg, who now appears to lead the climate crisis campaign, “It is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of...

A New Approach to Stopping Climate Change

A New Approach to Stopping Climate Change

When creative intellect, left wing politics, and sexuality meet, the bizarre is sure to follow, even if it gets few followers. Take the ecosexual movement, pioneered by California PhDs Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens. In 2016, they penned the Ecosexual Manifesto....

Are We Doomed?

Are We Doomed?

John Stossel, an American consumer television personality, author, and libertarian pundit, former ABC News and Fox Business reporter, questions popular beliefs. As a libertarian, Stossel believes in both personal freedom and the free market. He challenges viewers' who...