
Featured News

Climate Crazy Ontario

The latest news out of Queen’s Park is that Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals plan to deindustrialize Ontario. Of course they don’t call it that; they prefer the term “decarbonize.” But for an industrial economy, the government’s new...

Two Climate Conferences in Paris

Paris – There are two climate conferences going on in Paris this month. One, the 21st Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP21) attended by about 40,000 people, and the other, The Paris Climate Challenge 2015, attended by about 40 people. The big...

Obama’s Half-Baked Alaska

Obama’s Half-Baked Alaska

Yes, the glacier of Glacier Bay is receding—as it has from time to time for centuries.   When President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry visited Alaska this week, they pointed to the receding glaciers as evidence that humans are the cause of “dangerous,”...