
The Failed Economics of Carbon Taxes

The Failed Economics of Carbon Taxes

A leading Canadian economist says the case for carbon taxes is limited and its proponents deliver more rhetoric than reality. In an interview with this author, Steve Ambler, Economics Professor at the University of Quebec at Montreal gave an excellent economic...

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Bjorn Lomborg On Obama’s Berlin Speech

Bjorn Lomborg reminds us, via his Facebook page, about the giant difference between Obama's rhetoric and record on yet another issue. Obama said in his recent speech in Berlin: "In the United States, we have recently doubled our renewable energy from clean sources...

European Fuel Poverty Coming to Manitoba?

If the provincial government's expansionary plans for Manitoba Hydro are realized, the cost to poorer Manitobans may be measured by more than massively increased electricity bills, but also in deteriorated health and shorter lifespans. Taking into account Manitoba...

In Defense of Carbon Dioxide: The demonized chemical compound is a boon to plant life and has little correlation with global temperature.

Of all of the world’s chemical compounds, none has a worse reputation than carbon dioxide. Thanks to the single-minded demonization of this natural and essential atmospheric gas by advocates of government control of energy production, the conventional wisdom about carbon dioxide is that it is a dangerous pollutant. That’s simply not the case. Contrary to what some would have us believe, increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will benefit the increasing population on the planet by increasing agricultural productivity.

Kudos to Environment Minister Peter Kent for giving Canadians a climate scare-free Earth Day

Happily, and perhaps unexpectedly, Canadian Environment Minister Peter Kent resisted the temptation to associate his Earth Day speech with the climate scare. In an announcement that included nothing at all about climate, global warming, greenhouse gases or carbon dioxide, Kent and his Alberta counter-part Diana McQueen instead discussed a practical, science-based plan to enhance public access to real pollution data from the oilsands.

Eco-Fascists by Elizabeth Nickson

Professor Barry Cooper reviews Elizabeth Nickson’s controversial book “eco-fascism” and discusses the threat that radical conservationism poses to the development of smart environmental policy in Canada. Elizabeth Nickson can write. She developed her skills as a...

Media Release – Earth Day’s Credibility Damaged by Dominance of Climate Activists: Legitimate environmental concerns being shortchanged by focus on bogus global warming scare

Ottawa, Canada, April 22, 2013: “Earth Day participants must distance themselves from the climate scare or risk the event degenerating into irrelevance,” said Tom Harris, executive director of the Ottawa-based International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC). Noting the intense climate focus in this year’s Earth Day Network advertising, Harris warned, “As the hypothesis that humanity’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are causing dangerous global warming falls into disrepute, all those associated with the climate alarm will also lose credibility.”

How Rich Rockefellers Battle the People’s Pipeline: Rockefeller billions vs Canadian energy and sovereignty – and US jobs, security and families

How Rich Rockefellers Battle the People’s Pipeline: Rockefeller billions vs Canadian energy and sovereignty – and US jobs, security and families

Americans concerned about gasoline prices were encouraged by the Pew Research Center’s new poll, whose headline blared, “Keystone XL Pipeline draws broad support.” A score box showed 63% supporting and only 23% opposing the pipeline that would transport oil from Canada’s vast Alberta oil sands deposits through the Plains states to Texas refineries.