
Questioning Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory

Questioning Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory

There continues to be little hard evidence of a correlation between carbon dioxide (CO2) increases, caused by humans, and rising temperatures.  While the relationship has been programmed into relatively simplistic computer models constructed by climate scientists,...

Population Bombed!

Population Bombed!

Excerpted from Population Bombed! by Pierre Desrochers and Joanna Szurmak, published by GWBF Books. In a scathing critique of the romantic poet Robert Southey’s negative assessment of the industrial economy of his time, the British historian and Whig politician,...

Featured News

“Capitol” Punishment: A Betrayal

The attack on the Capitol in Washington and its aftermath have taken a toll, but unfortunately, the incident will remain remote and extraordinary for most. It has been politicized, sensationalized and reconstructed, but its tragic impact on those on the front lines is...

A Shale-Fuelled Economic Miracle for 2012

Amidst the doom and gloom headlines presaging dire prognostications for the Western economies in 2012 there is the very real promise of a global economy re-directing miracle in the making. The impact and promise of shale gas and shale oil is probably the good news story as we step into 2012. Not that you would know it, given the media’s predilection for bad news.

Kyoto Fraud Revealed

Over the years, some of the Kyoto fairy dust had begun to wear off. Global greenhouse emissions did not in fact appear to be declining very much. Many of the EU cuts were accounting tricks; counting the closure of inefficient, money-losing industrial dinosaurs in East Germany that were doomed to close anyway towards Germany’s greenhouse targets was a fairly typical example.

For the Record

We must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

Media Release – International Climate Science Coalition Supports Canada’s Decision to Formally Withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol: Other Nations should follow Canada’s lead and withdraw from flawed treaty before the end of 2011

The Canadian Government’s decision to formally withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol is an important victory for common sense and one we hope all Canadians will applaud,” said Tom Harris, executive director of ICSC which is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada.