
AOC Says America Should Lead the World

AOC Says America Should Lead the World

29-year old ex-bartender and freshman U.S. Representative (D-NY) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez received thunderous environmentalist and media acclaim when she introduced her Green New Deal resolution in the House and Ed Markey (D-MA) submitted it in the Senate. It was...

We Must Hope Dr. Soon is Right …

We Must Hope Dr. Soon is Right …

Everyone has heard the bad news. Imminent Climate Apocalypse (aka “global warming” and “climate change”) threatens humanity and planet with devastation, unless we abandon the use of fossil fuels. Far fewer people have heard the good news. The sun has just entered its...

Saved by Pseudo-Renewable Energy?

Saved by Pseudo-Renewable Energy?

The IPCC says it’s still possible to limit planetary warming to an additional 0.5 degrees C (0.9 F) “above pre-industrial levels” – but only if global CO2 emissions are halved by 2030 and zeroed out by 2050. So climate alarmists intend to carbon-tax, legislate and...

Featured News

It’s Getting Harder to Bring Home the Bacon: C. Larry Pope, CEO of the world’s largest pork producer, explains why food prices are rising and why they are likely to stay high for a long time.

Mr. Pope is the chief executive officer of Smithfield Foods Inc., the world’s largest pork processor and hog producer by volume. He doesn’t mince words when it comes to rapidly rising food prices. The 56-year-old accountant by training has been in the business for more than three decades, and he warns that the higher costs may be here to stay.

Climate Models Go Cold

The debate about global warming has reached ridiculous proportions and is full of micro-thin half-truths and misunderstandings. I am a scientist who was on the carbon gravy train, understands the evidence, was once an alarmist, but am now a skeptic. Watching this issue unfold has been amusing but, lately, worrying. This issue is tearing society apart, making fools out of our politicians.

Dr. Patrick Moore, Co-Founder of Greenpeace and Environmentalist

Dr. Patrick Moore, Co-Founder of Greenpeace and Environmentalist

It’s been forty years since Patrick Moore co-founded Greenpeace and twenty-five since he left the organization to establish a more sensible, science-based approach to environmentalism. Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist is Dr. Patrick Moore’s engaging firsthand account of his many years spent as the ultimate Greenpeace insider, a co-founder and leader in the organization’s top committee.

Cherry Picking Works Both Ways

Over at Watts up With that, Anthony posted a satirical post that parodies how some climate alarmists use short term noise in environmental observations to imply evidence of global warming.  In this case, he uses past statements that the break up date of river ice is a good proxy for demonstrating the existence of global warming.  This year, that proxy suggests that climate is cooling because the ice break up is later than 1940.

On a more serious note another post at Watts up with That notes that there is a new journal called Nature Climate Change that is now being published.  It is nice to see this type of comment published in a peer reviewed climate science journal.

Climate change is the norm. If you want something to worry about, it would be if the climate were static. It would be like a person being dead.

The Climate War Should be Declared Over

Whether you know it or not the industrialized world is at war, a climate war. The industrialized world didn’t ask for it, it has being forced upon us. The fossil fuel burning world is being attacked by factions that want to extract the wealth of the prosperous nations to pay for a remaking of the world and “save it” from the industrialized nations crime of releasing carbon dioxide into the air.