
Climate Hysterics Skyrocket

Climate Hysterics Skyrocket

Call it climate one-upmanship. It seems everyone has to outdo previous climate chaos rhetoric. The “climate crisis” is the “existential threat of our time,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi told her House colleagues. We must “end the inaction and denial of science that threaten...

Funding the Climate-Industrial Complex

Funding the Climate-Industrial Complex

Supposedly “green” or “renewable” energy has become a trillion-dollar-plus annual industry that has spawned tens of thousands of new businesses worldwide. The total Climate-Industrial Complex is a $2-trillion-per-year business. Major fossil fuel companies like Shell...

Featured News

Green Cure For A Nosebleed: Choke The Patient

Last month, the Government’s plan for a job-deterring carbon price floor, and an Australian official’s admission that even if the world stopped emitting carbon dioxide tomorrow, the temperature would not drop for several hundred years, reminded us that the pain could well outweigh the gain.

Australia’s Carbon Warning for Obama: It turns out emissions restrictions do not grow more popular the more you try to pitch them..

President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency is fighting a rear-guard action to accomplish via regulation what voters rejected via Congress: ruinously expensive restrictions on carbon emissions in the name of fighting “global warming.” But before he goes much further down that road, he should take a look at how a similar political calculation is playing out in Australia. In short, not well.

Climate News

Grist, which labels itself a beacon in the smog, has broken an earth shaking story

Writing in the journal Public Opinion Quarterly, a research team led by University of Michigan psychologist Jonathon Schuldt reports Republicans are far more skeptical of “global warming” than of “climate change.”

Deceptive Climate Poll Should be Ignored

A news release from the Public Policy Forum and Sustainable Prosperity last Wednesday began, “A poll released today shows that Canadians believe that climate change is happening and would be willing to pay for government policies that reverse or slow the damage.” They continued, “Belief in climate change among Canadians substantially outpaces belief in this phenomenon among residents of the United States.”