
Obama’s Path Toward Energy Poverty: Shoddy science backs damaging policies

In his recent inaugural address, President Barack Obama promoted the use of the least reliable and most expensive sources of energy: wind and solar power. He notes that the transition to these energy sources would be difficult, but he also presented the move as having economic benefits that would support the country’s energy independence. In reality, such a transition would ruin the country’s economy.

Desperately trying to derail Canadian oil sands: Radical activists launch more attacks on oil sands, Keystone pipeline, jobs and revenues

The Alberta-to-Texas pipeline would create more than 5,500 Nebraska jobs during its construction period and support 1,000 permanent jobs through 2030. During the project’s lifetime, KXL would generate $950 million in labor income, $130 million in property, sales and other state and local taxes, and $679 million for the state’s gross domestic product, by bringing Canadian oil sands petroleum to Texas refineries.

Climate Crimes: Green Policies That Are Killing Nature

In his evocative film “Climate Crimes”, the Austrian filmmaker Ulrich Eichelmann who was an active member of WWF for 17 years and worked in conservation for decades, now documents that it is rather the reverse: he shows how many ecosystems, species, habitats and the cultural heritage too are threatened – but, as he sums up, “not by climate change, but by climate protection and the things done in its name.”

Featured News

On Choice and the Vaccine

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson revealed in May that he would establish an agreement on creating a universal vaccine passport system with the G7 countries —including Canada. He told CBC News that nations require “agreements” on “COVID status certification and the...

Downplaying Global Warming

Mother Earth “is doing wonderfully” despite alarmist reports about global warming and unfounded warnings about pending environmental catastrophes, a Regina audience was told Wednesday. Lawrence Solomon, author and newspaper columnist who has long been involved in environmental issues and organizations, said there isn’t any scientific proof that global warming is caused by the burning of carbon-based fuels.

What’s Green and Goes Pop?

The twin elements of a bubble are euphoria and roguery, with the proportions varying from case to case. The coming green bubble, which is already attracting large amounts of venture capital and government money, displays both.

An Arm And A Leg

“The overarching nonsense is the twin claim that the science of climate change is settled, and that it represents the greatest crisis facing the planet. Even more nonsensical is the assertion that economic self-mutilation might be good for us. This could soon deteriorate into all-out trade war, and/or sink beneath the deadweight of bureaucratic edict.”

The Effect of the Sun on Earth’s Climate

Regarding your Friday article in the Vancouver Sun, you made mention of the effect of the Sun on Earth’s climate. Another article appeared in one of the national papers a year or two ago, in which the writer had consulted with experts on what effects the Sun had on...