
5G: Rise of the Machines

5G: Rise of the Machines

The Terminator movies were prediction, not fiction. The proof abounds in China, recently dubbed by the CBC as the world’s first digital dictatorship. The dragon has interfaced the fifth generation of wireless technology with surveillance cameras, and facial...

Featured News

Will satellite bridge the digital divide?

The digital divide refers to the inability of a part of the population to access computers, digital media, and services available through broadband or high-speed internet.  Society is divided into those who do have access to digital communications technology and those...

Real Road Danger: Discreet Texting

A new study calls into question the efficacy of distracted driving laws that ban the use of cellphones while driving. The report, released Friday by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, provides further evidence that, not only are distracted driving laws ineffective, they might actually be doing more harm than good.