
In 2012 two brothers left good jobs to pursue a business idea. They knew that most restaurants do not deliver, and that consumers increasingly order goods and services on-line. They suspected that car owners might want to earn extra income. They connected these dots...

Featured News

The Rise of Consumption Equality

It used to be so cool to be wealthy—an elite education, exclusive mobile communications, a private screening room, a table at Annabel's on London's Berkeley Square. Now it's hard to swing a cat without hitting yet another diatribe against income inequality. People...

US Postal Service Cuts

Wow, the US Post system is catching up to Canada's slow standards. In the new world of Internet systems, all post systems need to catch up to reality.  They are no longer in the letter business. A good first start is to eliminate home delivery of mail and replace it...

Patent Law

it argued that intellectual property is now being used to squelch rather than promote innovation.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/11/05/BUQP1LQN3V.DTL#ixzz1cygSNsTB