
The Gig Economy from Yards to Governments

The Gig Economy from Yards to Governments

My landlord friend had a problem and the solution was so novel he had to tell me about it. He lives in Winnipeg, but his house tenant in Regina couldn’t remove snow from the property. Not long ago, finding someone to deal with that might have been difficult or...

Featured News

The age of driverless automobiles is almost upon us. Most of the world’s car makers are working on prototypes and it is expected that by 2030 the autonomous vehicle market in the US alone will be worth approximately $87 billion. How will Canada deal with this...

Security and Safety of the Internet

Security and Safety of the Internet

The US government is pressuring Canada to block telecommunications companies from using equipment provided by Huawei, a Chinese company, when building our 5G cellular network for smartphones. Their logic is along the lines of “we don’t have actual evidence that China...

Broadcasting our Privacy

Broadcasting our Privacy

Within the traditionally-sacred walls of our homes we felt secure that we were hidden from the prying eyes of peeping Toms. Once your curtains were drawn and the door shut, you feel a sense of quiet and a feeling that you were now in your own space, saying and doing...

In 2012 two brothers left good jobs to pursue a business idea. They knew that most restaurants do not deliver, and that consumers increasingly order goods and services on-line. They suspected that car owners might want to earn extra income. They connected these dots...