
The Geography of Superentrepreneurs

The Geography of Superentrepreneurs

What parts of the world have given rise to the most successful entrepreneurs? This is a question which is answered in the superentrepreneurs project. This project is about studying high-end entrepreneurship and focuses on the close to 2 500 individuals in the world...

Coming Economic Maelstrom Completely Unnecessary

Coming Economic Maelstrom Completely Unnecessary

With one action, in one week, the whole world will boom. I am sharply aware that the upper middle class, the people I grew up among, studied and worked with do not give a damn about the less fortunate. They can’t. They don’t have agency, they have effectively...

Featured News

How We Teach Reading Really Does Matter

Reading is the most important skill taught in school. If students don’t learn how to read, not much else that happens there is going to matter. That’s because being able to read is important in virtually every job. Without the ability to read, life itself will be a...

Work at Home: An Opportunity for Business?

Work at Home: An Opportunity for Business?

The "stay at home" orders issued in many countries have changed working habits. The mandatory "work at home" for office jobs has created a debate about work after the health crisis. Will we continue to work at home or will we return to the office? Some have stated...