
TC Energy Dumping Keystone Pipeline

TC Energy Dumping Keystone Pipeline

  After 18 years of heartbreak and misery, TC Energy is dumping its foray into oil pipelines. TC Energy announced on July 27 it is spinning off a new liquids pipelines company from its natural gas pipelines and power generation business. The new, unnamed company...

Featured News

Why University?

In this essay, I explain that young people should come to university to be educated, and not to become credentialed; the public should support universities because universities educate young people, not because they produce credentialled workers.   Why should a...

Bringing Britain’s woes to North America?

Bringing Britain’s woes to North America?

Virginia enacted a Clean Economy Act; other states have implemented similar laws. AOC demands a national Green New Deal; President Biden is imposing one via executive decree. The United Kingdom is determined to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions; the European...

The Renewable Part of Hydrogen is the Hype

The Renewable Part of Hydrogen is the Hype

Once again, the world is staging ClimateFest 26, aka the United Nations Conference of the Parties, where peddlers of alternative energy schemes try to plunge their dippers into the river of climate change funding that flows around the world. This funding is generated...

Resurrecting Hydro from the Walking Dead

Resurrecting Hydro from the Walking Dead

With the completion of the Limestone Dam in 1990, with its large and low-cost generation capacity, the future outlook for meeting Manitoba’s electricity needs at low cost looked very positive.  But, thirty years later, instead of Manitoba Hydro’s finances strong and...

The Asian Coal Age

The Asian Coal Age

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) took place in Glasgow, Scotland and marked the 26th annual summit on climate change. The conference faced a renewed sense of urgency and purpose. It required consensus by one hundred and ninety world leaders,...

Energy Inquiry Shows the Problem and the Way

Energy Inquiry Shows the Problem and the Way

If a public inquiry found that hundreds of millions of dollars was being funnelled by foreign entities to undermine Canadian industry, should we conclude there is nothing wrong? Remarkably, the public inquiry’s final report into anti-Alberta energy campaigns did the...