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Day 1 – Frontier’s Advent Calendar

Day 1 – Frontier’s Advent Calendar

DAY 1 - Advent is the season of preparing for Christmas. Here at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy we want to tell you about some of the things we would like to see under our tree.   On Day One, we wish for the sensible approval of energy pipelines in Canada;...

Avalanches of Global Warming Alarmism

Avalanches of Global Warming Alarmism

Throughout the United Nations Climate Change Conference wrapping up in Bonn, Germany this week, the world has been inundated with the usual avalanche of manmade global warming alarmism. The UN expects us to believe that extreme weather, shrinking sea ice, and sea...

More Solar Jobs is a Curse, Not a Blessing

More Solar Jobs is a Curse, Not a Blessing

Citing U.S. Department of Energy data, the New York Times recently reported that the solar industry employs far more Americans than wind or coal: 374,000 in solar versus 100,000 in wind and 160,000 in coal mining and coal-fired power generation. Only the natural gas...

Next On the Carbon Hit List: Meat

Next On the Carbon Hit List: Meat

Peter Shawn Taylor, December 30, 2016 If it wasn’t so tasty, would anyone bother with beef? Last year, the World Health Organization added processed beef and other red meats to its list of level-one carcinogens, alongside such deadly substances as tobacco smoke,...