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Pipeline Anarchy

Pipeline Anarchy

Paul Driessen , November 20, 2016 Is this to be our future? Last week’s elections will soon end autocratic rule via executive fiat, the war on coal and hydrocarbons, IRS agents targeting conservative groups, government SWAT teams invading businesses and homes, and...

Oil Prices and the Canadian Economy

Back in 2010, soaring oil prices and the accompanying appreciation of the Canadian dollar was perceived by some to be a major problem for the Canadian manufacturing sector. People argued that our economy suffered from a “resource curse”- a phenomenon where...

Anti-energy campaigns harming countries

It is obvious that civilization would not be possible without the mineral and energy resources mined and extracted from the Earth. Yet there is a growing movement to oppose nearly all such activities. Even though 86% of the world’s energy supply, including 98%...

Obama’s Half-Baked Alaska

Obama’s Half-Baked Alaska

Yes, the glacier of Glacier Bay is receding—as it has from time to time for centuries.   When President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry visited Alaska this week, they pointed to the receding glaciers as evidence that humans are the cause of “dangerous,”...