
Featured News

Oil sands not an economy environment trade-off

The shrill, endless denunciations of the “tar sands” across North America, and indeed around the world, have largely overshadowed any communications efforts by the oil industry to show that the oil sands are benefiting Canadians and being developed in a responsible...

Public Utilities Board needs an overhaul

Despite major missteps taken by the Public Utilities Board with respect to Manitoba Hydro, the PUB is worth saving. That said, it needs a major overhaul. The PUB is supposed to balance the interests of monopoly firms and their customers. The agency has been in...

Pipelines are the Safest Way to Transport Oil

Activists are continuing to work hard in an effort to block the construction of major oil pipelines like the proposed Northern Gateway project. As a result, oil companies have turned to alternatives, like moving crude by rail. But the tragedy at Lac Megantic, Quebec...

When Politicians Mess with Electricity

Newfoundland's Finance Minister has suddenly resigned. He disagreed with the Premier's risky and increasingly expensive quest to have a Crown Corporation, Nalcor, build and transmit power from Muskrat Falls, Labrador, to export to the eastern seaboard states. Ontario...

Oil is Good, and Pipelines are Even Better

Opponents of oil pipelines, such as the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta to the U.S. Gulf Coast, have arguably caused unnecessary harm to the environment, reduced public safety, and slowed the Canadian economy. They have done this by causing oil to be shipped through...

Western Power Line Sparks Interest

Recently, Manitoba Conservative MP Steven Fletcher promoted the building of a transmission line from Manitoba Hydro’s northern dams (two new ones are planned to be constructed in the next decade) to carry electricity to Saskatchewan and Alberta.  Conceptually,...

Municipal Mergers – One Small Positive Step

The Manitoba Government has now decided that one size fits all does not work well for guiding municipal mergers.  That is a small positive step for the know it all people in government. The next step is to understand that local municipalities have been entering into...

Basket Cases

If there is anything the Selinger NDP government is 'good at' it is self-promotion. A report commissioned by the provincial government asserts that the ratepayers of Manitoba Hydro, its wholly owned subsidiary, Centra Gas, and Manitoba Public Insurance, all monopolies...