
Featured News

The Endemic Path is the Way Out

The Alberta premier’s plan to treat the coronavirus as endemic was the way out of the COVID crisis. That he is once again adopting restrictions for the province, for the fourth time, does not negate the endemic approach.  But his declaration, paraphrasing President...

Keystone in the News

One more element has been put in place with the release of a Draft State Department Assessment of the impacts of the pipeline. In my mind, the assessment is correct that the pipeline will have limited impact on the future development of the oil sands.  Already higher...

Cheaper Energy is More Important Than Going Green: IMAGINE a different future. We are now so used to rising energy prices – they’ve gone up 159 per cent since 2004 – that they have come to seem an inevitable part of life.

But instead of unrelenting increases, instead of a collapse in our capacity to generate energy and instead of fears that we will soon be in hock to Russian gas oligarchs, imagine a different story. Imagine the price of gas falling by two-thirds in less than a decade. Imagine electricity prices crashing by more than a quarter in less than a year. It sounds like a fantasy. Too good to be true.

Apprehending a Potential Boondoggle

As matters now stand, if government allows Hydro to ‘go over the cliff” with an inadequately tested commercial gamble and ‘things’ don’t work out as they plan (not much has, recently), while their leadership could walk away and retire (perhaps to a warmer climate), the general population of Manitoba cannot.

Mr. President: For Next Energy Czar, Choose More Carefully: Secretary Steven Chu’s replacement needs a practical approach to climate change and energy.

President Barack Obama and the Senate must not repeat the mistake of choosing another climate activist for U.S. secretary of energy. Although well-qualified in his field of physics, outgoing Secretary Dr. Steven Chu brought a dangerously naïve vision of both climate change and America’s energy future to Washington.

Renowned journal Science endorses Keystone pipeline

Opponents of the Keystone pipeline often seem to assume that stopping the project would do something it simply will not: stop oil sands development in Alberta. Fortunately, Science, one of the most respected scientific journals on earth, published an article that put...

Oil Confusion

Here’s 10 news headlines about oil from today, presented without any further comment – I’ll leave it to you to try and figure out what’s going on.