
Throwing Good Money After Bad?

Throwing Good Money After Bad?

One of the eternal questions of public policy is: should governments get into bed with private businesses? Whether it is called a Public-Private Partnership, buying a controlling interest for taxpayers, investing in the technologies of tomorrow or just, avoiding a...

Manitoba Needs to Up its Mining Game

Manitoba Needs to Up its Mining Game

There is some good news for mining in Manitoba, but the province needs to reform its mining policies for the sector to thrive.  Despite some progress over the years, this province still has a hostile climate for investment and this needs to change.  Vale recently...

Featured News

How ESG Standards Favor Toxic Petrostates

Coercion and vandalism have become commonplace tactics to force insurers off mining and oil development projects throughout the world. Ironically, that clears the way for companies with deep pockets and petrostates whose goal is geopolitical supremacy, not...

Lights Going out in Germany

What happens when a country phases out coal generated electricity and then moves to shut down nuclear electricity generation? The answer is increased costs to consumers and lower income people being unable to afford to purchase electricity. I wonder if Russia will...

Mulcair, Trudeau, Another NEP: the Threat to Canadian Unity

In 1980, a newly elected prime minister from Quebec, Pierre Trudeau, decided to mobilize the resource wealth of Western Canada in order to subsidize Eastern Canada. The result was the national energy program (NEP 1), which fixed domestic prices for oil and gas below world levels, levied an export tax to boost federal revenues and confiscated producing assets to give to Petro-Canada.

Thomas Mulcair at odds with reality

Federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair, like Dalton McGuinty, is fond of blaming Alberta's oil industry for supposedly hurting manufacturing in Central Canada. These numbers StatsCan released today show the opposite: Manufacturing sales increased 1.9% in March to...

How to Pay for Roads

As vehicles get more fuel efficient, the old model of using road taxes to pay for road upkeep and construction is breaking down.  This article explores how the UK is dealing with the challenge. I can see the day emerging when both road upkeep fees and insurance are...