
Canada Must Become an Energy Leader Again

Canada Must Become an Energy Leader Again

Canada must demonstrate federal leadership and all provinces and territories must come together as a country to support our energy economy, given its relative importance to Canada’s entire economy.  If it does not, Canada will continue to see its energy sector fall...

Screw the West, We’ll Take the Rest

Screw the West, We’ll Take the Rest

An infamous quote (“Screw the west, we’ll take the rest”) from then Liberal organizer Keith Davey during the 1980 election drove Albertans bumper stickers saying “let the eastern bastards freeze in the dark”. Pierre Trudeau and his notorious National Energy Program...

Meeting the Terawatt Challenge

Meeting the Terawatt Challenge

In his latest seminal book, A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations, Austin, Texas-based energy analyst and futurist Robert Bryce declares that “electricity has become a human right.”  It’s not an “endowed by our Creator” human right, nor one...

The Unholy Crusade Against Gas Appliances

The Unholy Crusade Against Gas Appliances

When Berkeley, California became the first U.S. city to ban the installation of natural gas lines to new homes last year, Mayor Jesse Arreguín proudly stated, “We are committed to the Paris Agreement and must take immediate action in order to reach our climate action...

Featured News

What the Frack is Going on Here?: Hydraulic fracturing opponents misrepresent facts to protect their ideologies and agendas

Oil companies have been using hydraulic fracturing for 60 years to get the most petroleum possible from grudging rock formations deep beneath the Earth. A few years ago, Mitchell Energy and others combined HF with horizontal drilling to tap into hydrocarbon-rich shale deposits that previously refused to surrender their energy riches. Countless fracking operations later, the results have been spectacular.

Phenomenal for the oilpatch?

The expectation that Mar will do wonders for the oil industry as the new Alberta trade representative for Asia is unwarranted. His track record rather points to failure in that regard.