
Obama’s Half-Baked Alaska

Obama’s Half-Baked Alaska

Yes, the glacier of Glacier Bay is receding—as it has from time to time for centuries.   When President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry visited Alaska this week, they pointed to the receding glaciers as evidence that humans are the cause of “dangerous,”...

Pipe, Dam and Electricity Dreams

A decision will shortly be made about whether to build the Keeyask and Conawapa hydroelectric dams and the associated Bipole III transmission line, which could cost Manitoba billions of dollars. This paper argues that, if approved, this will burden the next generation...

Fracking Debate Skewed by Misinformation

The debate surrounding hydraulic fracturing or fracking has become obscured by misinformation. Fracking is a technique that injects water and chemicals at high pressure into underground shale formations, shattering rock to release trapped natural gas.  Much fear...

Featured News

Hot Air on Wind Power

Up in our rural neck of the woods, where very little happens, everyone is in a tizzy. The wind companies have arrived. Suddenly, there are giant wind farms sprouting 30-storey turbines on our horizon. The wind company salesmen are knocking on doors trying to sign up...

Spinning Gold Out of Straw

'We were told it couldn't be done. Too many people had tried and failed.' -- Ray Dueck MORRIS -- Got gas? Gas from biomass, that is? Some people do, and they're laughing all the way to the bank. A biomass gasifier that turns straw into heat is proving a huge...