
Canadian Fires

Canadian Fires

  If you are living in eastern Canada or the northeast of the United States, you are experiencing quite smoky/hazy skies, the result of fires in Canada. The fires have spread from northern Alberta eastward into other provinces, including Quebec, generating...

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Canada Wins If The Globe Warms

Canada Wins If The Globe Warms

“Why can’t Al Gore be right?” asked my friend as we suffered another bitter Canadian winter. Intolerable Januaries aside, global warming alarmists suggest we should be happy if global warming does not occur. But that may not be the case, especially so for Canadians. A...

Why a Ban on Plastic Straws Sucks

Why a Ban on Plastic Straws Sucks

A strawman argument is a rhetorical device that deliberately misrepresents or exaggerates an opponent’s position in order to demolish it. It’s always easier to defeat an opponent made of straw than is to tackle a serious argument with facts and logic. You could say...