
Precious Metals and Canada

Precious Metals and Canada

The land of ice hockey, curling, maple syrup and Celine Dion is a nation overflowing with precious metals from coast to coast.  Canadian provinces like Alberta and Saskatchewan, known for their oil sands operations, have an abundance of lithium. Why is this important?...

Blue Gold Making Us Rich

Blue Gold Making Us Rich

“Water is more valuable than oil”- President George W. Bush Canada currently exports huge quantities of water to the United States and all over the world. As the world’s fifth largest exporter of agricultural products - which are composed mainly of water - huge...

Featured News

Who’s really endangered?

As the federal election looms, a hailstorm of criticism is being launched against the Harper government for its failure on environmental issues. Already, the media reports have informed us that we are not protecting our caribou. Canada is an international pariah when...

Emission Targets Are Unrealistic

Political leaders around the world have now spent more than two decades setting targets for reducing emissions of carbon dioxide that no one has any realistic hope of achieving. In the United Kingdom, emissions are being reduced at a rate of 1 percent per year. To...

Time to Audit Elizabeth May

This month, Canada’s Green Party leader Elizabeth May published “Who We Are, Reflections on My Life and Canada”.  It is an important book, because May is an energetic power broker in Ottawa, the provinces and abroad.  Responsible for many powerful...

Surviving Sustainability

Surviving Sustainability is a comprehensive new series of papers of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, and an area of research that is only sporadically treated in public policy analysis. This oversight means that a substantial negative impact on our economic...