
Keep Carbon Taxes in the Ground

Keep Carbon Taxes in the Ground

The House of Representatives recently passed a sense of Congress resolution that a carbon tax would kill jobs, damage the revitalized U.S. economy, and disproportionately impact poor, minority and working class families. The vote also reflects the fact that America is...

The IPCC’s Latest Climate Hysteria

The IPCC’s Latest Climate Hysteria

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report 15 claims the latest disaster “tipping point” is just 12 years away. If governments around the world fail to make “rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society,” human civilization and...

Featured News

Alberta government needs new approach to Keystone XL pipeline lobbying: Government must educate on climate change to ensure Keystone XL pipeline approval

Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver is right to label climate activist Dr. James Hansen’s end-of the-world proclamations as nonsense. But Oliver makes a strategic mistake when he actively promotes the hypothesis that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human activities are causing dangerous global warming.

Recycling Is Garbage

Believing that there was no more room in landfills, Americans concluded that recycling was their only option. Their intentions were good and their conclusions seemed plausible. Recycling does sometimes makes sense — for some materials in some places at some times. But the simplest and cheapest option is usually to bury garbage in an environmentally safe landfill. And since there’s no shortage of landfill space (the crisis of 1987 was a false alarm), there’s no reason to make recycling a legal or moral imperative. Mandatory recycling programs aren’t good for posterity.

Smart Messaging Needed to Avoid Pipeline Lobbying Failure: Alberta premier must not support the climate scare when promoting her province’s hydrocarbon fuel resources in Washington DC this week

History is replete with tragic examples of those who collaborated with the enemy or sought to appease political correctness and wishful thinking for their own short term benefit. Nowhere is this more evident than in today’s climate change debate. Politicians from across the political spectrum, fossil fuel companies and academics who should know better, not only bow to the climate scare, but actively support it. They even use the unscientific, misnomer-riddled language of their opponents.

The Coming Global Warming Voter Backlash

News is breaking out all over: global warming stopped 20 years ago. A political earthquake has resulted from a feature story in the Economist magazine because the Economist used to be a consistent cheerleader for global warming activism. Doubts about global warming used to be censored by its London editors, one reporter confided to Stephen Hayward.

Auditor General Slams Carbon Offset System: A Canadian province brags about becoming North America’s first carbon neutral government in 2010. But its own Auditor General says this “is not accurate.”

British Columbia (BC) is a beautiful place – as anyone who has visited Vancouver or Whistler will attest. Unfortunately, it sometimes suffers from an exaggerated view of its own importance. With a population of only 4.5 million (one seventh of Canada’s total, and one eighth the size of California), this province thinks that demonstrating global climate leadership should be one of its top priorities.