
Featured News

Zero Growth Article

Mother Jones has published an article exploring the zero growth concept.  I would not be surprised to see this type of thinking reflected in the upcoming Durban conference on climate change.  

Paying For Unused Advice: When science doesn’t support political decisions on public safety, the politicians simply ignore it, writes Dan Gardner

Oh, politicians say their decisions are informed by science but that’s a fairy tale they tell sleepy children and reporters. In reality, politicians cite science when it supports decisions they want to make anyway, for other reasons, whether ideological or political. When science does not support their decisions, they ignore it.

The Recycling Myth

As a Swede I get to hear a lot of the myths of how wonderful a country Sweden supposedly is — the “prosperous socialism” it stands for, a role model for the rest of the world. For instance, quite a few friends from around the world have commended me on Swedish recycling polices and the Swedish government’s take on coercive environmentalism.