
Time to Audit Elizabeth May

This month, Canada’s Green Party leader Elizabeth May published “Who We Are, Reflections on My Life and Canada”.  It is an important book, because May is an energetic power broker in Ottawa, the provinces and abroad.  Responsible for many powerful...

Surviving Sustainability

Surviving Sustainability is a comprehensive new series of papers of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, and an area of research that is only sporadically treated in public policy analysis. This oversight means that a substantial negative impact on our economic...

Australia Repeals Its Carbon Tax

Australia has recently abolished what some have called the “world’s biggest carbon tax”. It was designed to combat climate change by reducing emissions of carbon dioxide that result from the burning of fossil fuels. Companies who produced emissions that exceeded a...

Featured News

Seven Myths About Green Jobs

This study, by the Climate describes seven myths about “green jobs” initiatives that can lead people to falsely believe that government mandates, subsidies and forced technological innovations will bolster economic performance by creating “green jobs. In fact, the paper argues that massive green jobs initiatives are likely to hinder future economic growth and result in net job destruction.

Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen, Geomorphologist

Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen, Geomorphologist

Left leaning climate change agnostic and editor of the Energy and Environment journal, Dr. Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen was a conference attendee at the Heartland Institute’s 4th International Climate Change Conference held in Chicago May 16-18th, 2010. The Frontier Centre was one of 64 international co-sponsors of this event which profiled the work of 73 scientists, economists and policy experts from 23 countries.