
Aussie Restoration: The perils of a carbon tax and other lessons from Down Under.

For more than a decade Australia had one of the world’s most successful center-right governments, and on Saturday it voted overwhelmingly for a restoration. After six years of Labor Party melodrama and leftward economic policies, Australians returned a Liberal government to power under new leader Tony Abbott. There are lessons here for conservatives in the U.S. and Europe.

The New York Times’ Global Warming Hysteria Ignores 17 Years Of Flat Global Temperatures

The New York Times feverishly reported on August 10 that the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is about to issue another scary climate report. Dismissing the recent 17 years or so of flat global temperatures, the IPCC will assert that: “It is extremely likely that human influence on climate caused more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010.”

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Foreign Influence in Canadian Economy?

Foreign influence or interference has become a mediatic topic. The fear and suspicion of interference in the elections and democratic process have been in news headlines. For the western countries, the suspicion bears on Russia and China. Revisionist powers have a...

Climategate: Follow the Money: Climate change researchers must believe in the reality of global warming just as a priest must believe in the existence of God.

None of these outfits is per se corrupt, in the sense that the monies they get are spent on something other than their intended purposes. But they depend on an inherently corrupting premise, namely that the hypothesis on which their livelihood depends has in fact been proved. Absent that proof, everything they represent—including the thousands of jobs they provide—vanishes. This is what’s known as a vested interest, and vested interests are an enemy of sound science.

Media Release – Thinking Sensibly About Recycling and the Environment: The Frontier Centre challenges misconceptions about size of the problem recycling addresses

Recycling has become the balm du jour for the environmental concerns of landfill overflow, resource extraction, and resource scarcity. However looking quantitatively at the magnitudes of these problems and the real potential for recycling to alleviate them suggests we shouldn’t push the recycling policy button as enthusiastically as we currently do.

Thinking Sensibly about Recycling and the Environment

Recycling has become the balm du jour for the environmental concerns of landfill overflow, resource extraction, and resource scarcity. However looking quantitatively at the magnitudes of these problems and the real potential for recycling to alleviate them suggests we shouldn’t push the recycling policy button as enthusiastically as we currently do.

The Day Global Warming Stood Still

It will be a very cold winter of discontent for the warm-mongers. The climate show-and-tell in Copenhagen next month will be nothing more than a meaningless carbon-emitting jaunt, unable to decide just whom to blame or how to divvy up the profitable spoils of climate change hysteria.

Copenhagen Will Fail – And Quite Right Too: Even if the science was reliable (which it isn’t), we should not force the world’s poorest countries to cut carbon emissions

Mr Brown’s Copenhagen objective will, happily, not be achieved. But the meeting will still be declared a great success. Politicians do not like being associated with failure, so they will make sure that whatever emerges from Copenhagen is declared a success, and promise to meet again next year. This will at least give our political leaders the time to get themselves off the hook.

Frontier posts College of Physicians and Surgeons investigation of wrongly alleged “cancer epidemic” in oilsands.

In 2006, Dr. John O’Connor, a Nova Scotia physician then working in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, alleged that an epidemic of cancer was occurring in northern Alberta—and because of the oilsands operations there. In light of this, Frontier has decided to post the November 4, 2009 College of Physicians and Surgeons investigation of Dr. O’Connor.