
Progressive Trade, Regressive Results

Progressive Trade, Regressive Results

If Brett Wilson were still taking business pitches on Dragon’s Den, he would never partner with Canada’s trade negotiators. During a recent television interview, he openly wondered whether or not the negotiators were “delusional, naïve, or stupid.” It seems he settled...

On Government Growth

From one of my email feeds from New Zealand comes this thoughtful nugget by Dr. Oliver Hartwich, Executive Director of the New Zealand Initiative, a local think tank: Government spending has been rising for the past one and a half centuries. The increase itself is...

Featured News

Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

Somaliland – Sleeping-Walking Into Disaster

“And then came the global warming hysteria, an idea that has more to do with Europe’s prosperous middle class politics and media than it has to do with Science but which no politician in the West could be seen to question let alone oppose. It basically makes three claims: that the world is warming up; we are causing it; and it is a bad thing. Each of those claims could be challenged but no one dared to be seen on the `wrong’ side of this `debate’.”

Not Just A Breadbasket

Saskatchewan boasts the fastest economic growth rate of any Canadian province not just because of wheat but a rich mix of other farm crops as well as potash, uranium, oil and natural gas, all of which are enjoying record prices.

End Of Boom Will Be Painful

What we will not have is a lean, productive economy, pumping out strong growth and taking full advantage of the only truly infinite natural resource: human brainpower. Through these long boom years we have received a lot of income but we have not produced much growth with it.

Viva Castro’s Departure

In 1958, the year before Fidel Castro came to power in a revolution and promised prosperity, democracy and the restoration of Cuba's 1940 constitution, the Caribbean island, while troubled by poverty, a corrupt dictator and the American Mafia, was also better off than...