
The Snitches vs. The Scofflaws

The Snitches vs. The Scofflaws

Manitoba is at a pandemic low - not in infections, they are high - but in the government’s response. We are now encouraged to rat out fellow citizens on a “snitch line”. Officers have been hired to hand out tickets carrying hefty fines to business owners and...

Profile Series: John Thomas Peters Humphrey

Profile Series: John Thomas Peters Humphrey

John Thomas Peters Humphrey, OC (1905-1995) was a lawyer, diplomat, and scholar. He directed the United Nations Human Rights Division from 1946 to 1966. He was instrumental in drafting the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and received the U.N. Prize...

Questioning Pension Fund Changes

Questioning Pension Fund Changes

For a public sector workforce expecting to retire with a good pension, the “health” of their defined contribution pension plans are dependent on both the market and the actions of the provincial government. Recently, Pallister’s government seems to be stalling on...

Featured News

Could  Alberta Turn into ‘Montana North’

Could Alberta Turn into ‘Montana North’

The Wall Street Journal has weighed into the growing impasse between Alberta and Canada’s federal government over the hostility of the federal government towards Alberta’s vital oil and gas industry. In a recent column by Holman W. Jenkins Jr., the potential prospect...

Alberta, Appreciated, Yet Not!

Alberta, Appreciated, Yet Not!

The Alberta separatist movement hasn’t burned this hot since the first Trudeau imposed the National Energy Program. Yet, somewhat ironically, Canadians from other provinces feel closer to Alberta than any other faraway province. Everyone that is, except for Quebec,...

The Scorecard of Socialist Revolutions

The Scorecard of Socialist Revolutions

Nineteen years ago, ex-general Hugo Chavez came into power in Venezuela, vowing that a “Bolivarian Revolution” based on communist principles would improve the lives of his people. Today millions of Venezuelans are fleeing their homes looking for food, medicine, or...

The Arkhipov Calm

The Arkhipov Calm

Where would we be without Vasili Arkhipov? In fact, would we be here at all? Who is Vasili Arkhipov you may ask? Before I get to that, let me talk for a minute about the nuclear world we now live in. There are currently so many nuclear weapons on our small planet that...