Marketing Boards

Killing the Golden Goose

We tend to judge this year’s food crisis, marked by seemingly indomitable prices, from the point of view of those who are suffering. It might be useful to judge the crisis also from the point of view of those who are causing it. That’s where the real lessons will be...

The World Food Summit: Canada is part of the problem

The food-crisis summit that was held in Rome by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) last week reminds us that the protectionist policies of the industrialized countries are having harmful consequences on the well-being of the world population. Canada, the world’s fourth-largest exporter and fifth-largest importer of agricultural products, must show its goodwill by reforming some of its programs that harm trade.

Featured News

Sour Milk System

Given that productivity has been rising for centuries in agriculture, one might wonder why we keep paying more for milk instead of less. The reason: These productivity gains are being wasted away in our inefficient supply management system.

Pork Barrel Protectionism Report

Policy paper 24 explores why recent hog tariffs imposed by the United States are about protectionism and explains why Canada should aggressively pursue the case under free trade rules, and work to eliminate the possibility of such nuisance actions in all export commodities.