
Promoting Health Through Less Regulation

Yesterday I had a very interesting meeting with a couple of staff members from the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region. We covered what each of our organisations do, and shared how we operate and work towards improving the lives of Reginans and Canadians. In particular I...

Canadian Nanny State Squeezes Out Caffeine

A few months ago I wrote a piece for the Huffington Post on the political overreaction to a few deaths in the United States that were connected to energy drink consumption. Despite the fact that only 5 people in the United States have died after consuming energy drinks — due to pre-existing conditions — many politicians have decided that cracking down on caffeine is an appropriate regulatory response.

Featured News

A New Approach to Alberta’s Minimum Wage

Author David Pankratz summarizes his findings as follows: “Our comparison makes it abundantly clear that we can best express the sincerity of our intentions to help the poor by expanding the value of their basic exemption from income taxes . . .

In fact, the numbers show that increased exemptions work spectacularly better than minimum wages or tax credits in meeting the goal of improved incomes.”

The Myth Of The Level Playing Field

Frankly, an "in-and-out" scheme sounds quaintly titillating. But a possible in-and-out scheme run by the Conservative party in the last federal election promises to dominate question period and national news coverage for the next week or two, perhaps longer. Elections...

The New Zealand Resource Management Act

For many centuries, the Anglo-American tradition has emphasized the fiduciary duty of all those who manage other people’s assets and affairs, such as trustees and directors. This fiduciary duty imposes a higher duty of care on such people, than on the ordinary person....

Selling Wheat the Soviet Way

Last week, federal Minister of Agriculture Chuck Strahl suggested momentum was growing among farmers for an end to the Canadian Wheat Board's monopoly over Prairie grain sales. Since 1943, all wheat and barley farmers in the three Prairie provinces and northeastern...

Leave Christopher Hitchens Alone

Christopher Hitchens emerges from the CBC building in the 500 block of Winnipeg's Portage Avenue, squints into the bright mid-afternoon sky, spots a break in the traffic and launches himself into the street. He gallops across four momentarily deserted lanes of the...