Role of Government

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Are We Sliding Into A Tyranny Of Good Intentions?

“‘I am of two minds about democracy,’ he writes, ‘and so is everyone else. We all agree that it is the sovereign remedy for corruption, war and poverty in the Third World. We would certainly tolerate no other system in our own country. Yet most people are disenchanted with the way it works. One reason is that our rulers now manage so much of our lives that they cannot help but do it badly. They have overreached. Blunder follows blunder.'”

Canada Trails In Legalizing Pot Debate: Policy makers need to take profit out of illegal drugs

“Drugs, prostitution and illegal gambling are all activities that bring harm in many instances to individuals, families and communities and many feel they are immoral. But, one needs to look at the unintended consequences of prohibiting all these activities. People will always want to do these things and criminals often reap the benefits because they can provide them at exorbitant prices and people will still pay.”