Role of Government

Canada’s Downward Path From Nation To Fiction

The population of Quebec will shrink to barely one-fifth of Canada’s by 2031 – implying, according to economist Brian Lee Crowley in an important new book, “a big drop in the province’s relative weight in the House of Commons.” In fact, he calculates, Quebec’s influence will fall from 75 out of 308 MPs to 75 out of 375. The political implications would be profound.

Featured News

Canada Achieves Best Debt Rating

Fitch Ratings, the international rating agency, today upgraded Canada’s long-term foreign currency sovereign rating to ‘AAA’ from ‘AA+’, reflecting the continuation of budgetary surpluses and a record of robust GDP growth that have put government debt and external debt on a downward path.


If Canada follows the same policies that led to German decline, it risks ending up in the same dilemma. One of the main influences that explains the reduced economic freedom is Germany’s high level of overall government spending.