
Could Everyone Receive A Tax Credit?

My first radio piece for the Frontier Centre focuses on the announcement by the Wall government that the Saskatchewan Film Tax Credit will be removed: The uproar over the Wall government’s move to end Saskatchewan’s film tax credit cries out for a wider debate over...

Britain Raises Taxes on the 1%, the 1% Pay Less

With the Ontario NDP demanding a tax increase on upper income earners as a condition to prop up the McGuinty government, and the Alberta Liberals and NDP running on creating new tax brackets for the wealthy, it's worth taking a look at the news out of Britain. Despite...

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Pay Your Own Way

“Even if Ottawa paid for all the upgrades to rolling stock, rail lines and terminals that Via desires, even if federal taxpayers assumed all of Via’s debts, the public rail carrier would still lose money.”

Want A Foreign Aid Miracle? Free Up The Economy

Throughout Africa today, income tax rates are often preposterous – and high goods-and-services taxes ubiquitous. Governments practise the worst kind of protectionism. Bureaucracies routinely smother enterprise. Jobs are commonly exchanged for bribes. International aid agencies, wallets still open, remain largely silent – or, worse, persist with empty denunciations of the wicked West. Africa doesn’t really need much foreign help. It does need an Erhard.

Astounding Amounts Of Money

At recession’s end, the U. S. will be forced to raise taxes heavily just to pay the interest on Obama’s debts; Canada will be positioned to maintain and even reduce taxes. Obama’s indebtedness will exert unending downward pressure on the U. S. dollar, while higher energy prices and superior economic management cause the Canadian loonie to rise.