
Why U.S. Spending Needs a Swedish Massage

From Globe and Mail In a book published last year, Swedish economists Andreas Bergh and Magnus Henrekson affirmed that, as a general rule, every 10-percentage-point increase in the size of government in wealthy countries reduces economic growth - by as little as 0.5...

Afraid of 2012? Remember the Budget of 1995: While the federal spending deficit today is almost identical to what the Liberals faced in 1995, the civil service should relax. The situations are fundamentally different.

The 1995 Liberals had no choice. That’s the real difference between the desperate budget of former Liberal finance minister Paul Martin and the less draconian edition due to be handed down next year by his Conservative counterpart, Jim Flaherty.

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Taxes or User Charges?

Taxes or User Charges?

Like all governments, municipalities have the option of using a number of revenue-raising tools that have different characteristics. We examine, in this Charticle, the use of property taxes versus user charges for the funding of municipal services in 30 Canadian cities. FC038

Municipal Tax and Municipal Tax Reliance

Municipal Tax and Municipal Tax Reliance

Frontier’s Local Government Frontiers Project collected various financial data from Canada’s 30th largest cities in 2007. This Charticle presents the levels of taxation imposed collected divided by the number of households counted in each jurisdiction. FC037

How Toronto Has Fared as One Big City

“[Amalgamation] hasn’t worked the way I thought it would or should have worked,” he said. “The province is partly to blame because they didn’t put enough controls in place to make sure it would run right. And certainly, the councillors elected, they had no concept of fiscal responsibility, in my opinion.”