
New Column on Upper-Income Tax Rates

My most recent column is posted at Troy Media's website.  Here, I oppose proposals to introduce very high taxes on high-income earners in the 70-80% range. I think the introduction of these kinds of stratospheric tax rates would be a disaster, and would wind up...

How Big Government Killed Britain’s Regions: State spending has driven jobs out of England’s former industrial heartland..

“The question of how to revitalize Britain’s economically moribund regions has bedevilled successive governments for at least three decades. The fact is, all the taxpayer money that has been poured into Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the north of England in the name of reviving the local economies there is doing active harm to the emergence of a private-sector, post-industrial economy.”

Featured News

“Capitol” Punishment: A Betrayal

The attack on the Capitol in Washington and its aftermath have taken a toll, but unfortunately, the incident will remain remote and extraordinary for most. It has been politicized, sensationalized and reconstructed, but its tragic impact on those on the front lines is...

Underfunding: a short history of a word

Look up references to “underfunding,” and a curious trend emerges. They are almost never made by the users of public services: parents, patients and so on. Rather, in almost every case it is their employees, or more particularly public sector union leaders, who use the term