Think Tanks

Behind The Scenes

As our blog is a little more casual than our regular publications, I think it provides a good opportunity to give you all a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at what we do here at the Frontier. Given how spread out we are across the country, we usually conduct our...

Think-Tanks Wielding More Clout in Politics: Organizations such as the right-leaning Manning Centre, nascent Broadbent Institute increasingly part of the ‘political infrastructure’

When Canadians think of political parties, they focus on the teams of politicians fronting them. But behind the scenes, Canadian political parties are increasingly getting support from a “political infrastructure” that plays a crucial role in selling their ideology to the public.

Featured News

Think Tanks Changing Their Minds

In the United States, think tanks are hugely effective and a major part of the political debate. They play a constant role and an interactive role with government in terms of where government wants to go and trying to help with the kinds of policy prescriptions and the issues that they need to have looked at by independent people,” Here in Canada, Think-tanks here tend to present research that they have done in the abstraction from the public debate.

The Idea Whisperers

Through widely disseminated studies and informal relationships with bureaucrats and politicians, think-tanks are Canada’s idea whisperers — and they’re out to help steer the ship of state.