
Do Not Count Ontario Out

This editorial from Saskatoon got me thinking about my experience in Ontario. Far from being the basket economic case that is conveyed in the national media, my experience living and working in SW Ontario was one characterized by very innovative firms that figure out...

Canada Risks Being Left Empty-Handed in Asia

Far from the truculent finger-pointing that once characterized his government’s attitude to China – an attitude it still displays elsewhere – Mr. Harper buried whatever criticisms he made of China’s terrible human-rights record in closed-door meetings. In public, it was all sweetness and light, trade deals and photo ops with pandas.

Featured News

Manitobans Split on Whether to Sell Water to the United States

If you live in Winnipeg or are below age 55, you are more likely to favour selling water from Hudson’s Bay to the United States; if you live in a rural area or are over 55, you are likely to be opposed. Those are the results of a new poll released by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy and conducted by Probe Research. Overall, 46% of Manitobans favour selling water to the United States and 45% are opposed.

The Peril Of ‘Buy American’

[A]s states and municipalities start spending stimulus money, the idea is starting to look as counterproductive as it should have looked from the beginning. It is sparking conflict with American allies and, rather than supporting employment at home, the “Buy American” effort could ultimately cost American jobs.