Results for "woke"

The Tale of Two Teachers

The Tale of Two Teachers

At L.A. Matheson, a high school in Surrey, B.C., a poster in Annie Ohana’s classroom suggests society is too moralistic about sex work, the quote coming from an avowed Satanist. National Post writer Jamie Sarkonak described her classroom in this way: “The walls are...

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How We Teach Reading Really Does Matter

Reading is the most important skill taught in school. If students don’t learn how to read, not much else that happens there is going to matter. That’s because being able to read is important in virtually every job. Without the ability to read, life itself will be a...

Sacrificing Success on the ‘Altar of Equity’

Sacrificing Success on the ‘Altar of Equity’

Somewhere around the mid-1960s the conventional conservative model of the English grammar school was finally over-turned by a new-age, liberal-progressive intellectual alliance of “progressive educators.” This shift of power and influence to the left led to changes in...

Immiserating a Proud People

Immiserating a Proud People

  Like American blacks, Palestinians, South American and African peasants and tribespeople, and of course, women, the Left’s primary tactic is destroy their well-being, break their culture, atomize and isolate them. Then promise to help with taxpayer money, which...

Bud Light – An Alphabet Too Far?

Bud Light – An Alphabet Too Far?

Beer is big business. Canadians quaffed 2.1 billion litres of the sudsy beverage last year. The American market for the stuff is worth over $120 billion annually. People care about which beer they drink; they wear hats and t-shirts proclaiming their allegiance to a...

Reflections on the Condition of British Liberalism

Reflections on the Condition of British Liberalism

Traveling to Portugal in early April, I came across an English-language newspaper serving the country’s Algarve region. The Portuguese paper reported on a Positive News Magazine summary of a recent King’s College London study that found the UK is “becoming more...