Results for "Reconciliation"

Canadas Indigenous Model Is Not Sustainable

Canadas Indigenous Model Is Not Sustainable

Canada’s Indigenous Model is Not Sustainable Canada’s parliamentary budget officer, Yves Giroux has spoken out about the alarming rise in Canada’s contingent liabilities related to indigenous claims. Todays estimated 76 billion dollars is many times the 15 billion...

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Find Backbone and Raise the Flag

Find Backbone and Raise the Flag

Manitobans may have noticed that flags at federal institutions in the province are still flying at half mast.  This has been the case since May with the discovery of roughly 200 unmarked graves at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia....

Educating Leyland Cecco

Educating Leyland Cecco

“Leyland Cecco is a freelance journalist based in Toronto, Canada. His work has primarily been in the Middle East, South Asia and Canada, with a focus on water security.” - The Guardian website September 6 2021 Dear Mr. Cecco, Your article in today’s edition of The...

Was there a cultural genocide in Canada as claimed in the Truth and Reconciliation Report?  Mass graves at residential schools?   An interview with Professor Rodney Clifton, co-editor of “From Truth Comes Reconciliation: Assessing the Truth and Reconciliation...

Clarifying Duty to Consult

Clarifying Duty to Consult

How can we achieve Indigenous economic reconciliation when the legal system perpetuates endless legal grievances and challenges?  Case in point is a recent court ruling in British Columbia that could have serious negative effects on developments in provinces that...

The Myth of Indigenous Law in Canada

The Myth of Indigenous Law in Canada

In a recent Globe and Mail article, two lawyers, one a Toronto law professor and the other an Indigenous member of the Indigenous Bar Association,  advanced the benignly racist argument that Canada should appoint a Supreme Court Justice on the basis of his or her...

The Kamloops Graves

The Kamloops Graves

“Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity, where some people are held liable for things that happened before they were born, while others are not held responsible for things they are themselves doing today?” - Thomas Sowell Canadians reacted with horror to the...

History – The Changing Tides of Revisionism

History – The Changing Tides of Revisionism

“For better than a century many historians have found it useful to employ a Fabian tactic against critics in related fields of intellectual endeavor. The tactic works like this: when criticized by social scientists for the softness of his method, the crudity of his...

Bill 64 Won’t Destroy Public Education

Bill 64 Won’t Destroy Public Education

Manitoba’s public education is about to undergo its biggest overhaul in more than 60 years. Bill 64, the Education Modernization Act, will see to that. Not surprisingly, this bill has attracted the ire of several unions, politicians and journalists. The Manitoba...